Children’s Books – Best Board Books: Vol. 1

Welcome to a new series about our favorite children’s books! My 17 month old son absolutely loves books. He stacks them, takes them in the car, sits on them, sleeps with them and even eats with them sometimes (What? You don’t sleep or eat with your books?!). Reading is one of our favorite activities – especially before bed time. We read to him for a variety of different reasons including to increase his vocabulary, receptive and expressive language, and attention and active listening skills but mainly because he loves it so much! Reading to our little ones is so important! (Sorry, I couldn’t help myself! I mean, I do work in education!).

I am sharing 10 of our current favorite board books below!

The Goodnight Train is one of our absolute favorites! It details a train making its way through “Dreamland.” My son loves to point out the football, teddy bear and most importantly, the cookies on each page.


The Pout-Pout Fish is my personal favorite. He is a grumpy fish who is reluctant to change his “dreary, weary,” ways.


Giraffes Can’t Dance is another top contender. Gerald, the giraffe and main character has yet to master his dancing skills like many of his forest friends. My son actually dances every time I read “dance,” and it is probably the cutest thing I have ever seen.


I Want to Be An Astronaut is an adorable book detailing many different fun and exciting professions that encourages kids to dream big.


Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See is a classic. We love to identify the different animals throughout.


Mustache Baby is hysterical! You’ll have to read to find out if it’s a good guy mustache or a bad guy mustache.


Moo, Baa, La La La is another classic all about animal sounds.


Good Night, Gorilla is about zoo animals who become a bit mischievous when it’s time to go to bed. My son loves to find the lion throughout the book and when I say he loves to find it, I mean he loves to scream “LION!” at the top of his lungs every time he sees it! HA.


Little Blue Truck is a recent edition to our collection. Blue is a problem solver and a wonderful friend!


Little Blue Truck Leads the Way brings Blue to the big city.


Hope you enjoyed this list! What are some of your favorite board books? Please share in the comments!


This post is not sponsored in any way and all opinions are my own.

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